Tag Archives: pillow thief

Michga’s Musings – Pillow Princess


Hello humans! Michga here! Mom says I should hop on here every once in a while and talk about something I’m doing. I told her I have a very busy schedule, thank you very much, but I guess I can make some time for it.

Since my favorite thing to do is snuggle, let’s examine my favorite spot – my pillow.


My mommy has this strange habit of calling it her pillow, and accuses me of stealing it from her. Excuse me, but I believe she is the one who calls me her “pillow princess” anyway. I’m only living up to my name here. How am I supposed to survey my kingdom without sitting upon my throne?


I may look rather ferocious and tough, but I need a lot of cushion for my delicate bone structure. A princess needs comfort for her beauty sleep.


I guess I better get off here before mom tells me I’m stealing “her” laptop too. Besides, these treats aren’t going to eat themselves. Until next time, humans!

get your own pillow mommy

get your own pillow, mommy


Filed under michga's musings